크루세이더 킹즈2 치트 모드 중에서 가장 유용한 모드인데
캐릭터 포트레잇 우클릭 후 Enable Cheats를 눌러주면 사용할 수 있다
대표적인 기능은 디시전 창에서 확인할 수 있는데
Show ~를 눌러보면 자세한 기능을 확인할 수 있다
돈, 명성, 신앙심부터 병력 트레잇, 자식, 딸, 가신 소환까지
없는 기능이 없다
크리고 홀딩 클릭 후 우클릭으로 홀딩 전체 업그레이드, 홀딩 부수기, 홀딩 성, 도시, 사원으로 바꾸기가 가능하다
그리고 다른 캐릭터에게 우클릭 후
결혼하기, 이혼하기 감옥에 가두기, 친구되기, 라이벌 되기, 연인으로 만들기 등 온갖 기능이 가능하다
내 캐릭에게 우 클릭으로 병 다 고치기, 스탯 올리기, 자살하기 기타 등등도 가능하다
마지막으로 Enable Mind Control을 사용하면
다른 캐릭터에게 Control Mind를 사용한 후
특정 캐릭터와 결혼, 이혼, 라이벌 만들기 등이 가능해진다
그 외에 전체 기능은 다음과 같은데
Right-click interaction menu on yourself allowing you to:
- Enable Cheats (Required to enable any cheats at all)
- Enable Mind Control (Allows you to control characters and give them orders)
- Commit Suicide
- Clear your focus
- Clear your ambition
Right-click interaction menu on characters allowing you to:
- Force them to marry you.
- Force them to end their marriage.
- Force them to become your concubine (still need concubines allowed in your religion).
- Force them to have your child.
- Force them to back your plot.
- Force them to convert to your culture.
- Force them to convert to your religion.
- Force them to convert to your ethnicity. (changes their portrait appearance)
- Force them to move to your court.
- Force them to become your lover.
- Force them to become your friend.
- Force them to become your rival.
- Force them to become your vassal.
- Force them to abdicate all their titles to you
- Force them to be loyal to you (increasing their opinion of you by 1000 for 100 years)
- Force them to owe you a favour (Conclave DLC required)
- Kill Them
- Imprison Them
- Disown Them
- Adopt Them
- Increase all their stats.
- Kill their entire dynasty
- Remove negative congenital traits and add positive ones.
- Heal them of all ilnesses, diseases and wounds. (Including Reaper's Due illnesses/symptoms)
- Join their dynasty (Will become the child of them and their spouse if they have one)
Mind Control features allowing you too:
- Control Mind
- Force a mind controlled character to marry someone.
- Force a mind controlled character to impregnate someone.
- Force a mind controlled character to imprison someone.
- Force a mind controlled character to vassalize somone.
- Force a mind controlled character to become someone's lover.
- Force a mind controlled character to become someone's friend.
- Force a mind controlled character to become someone's rival.
- Force a mind controlled character to abdicate to someone.
- Force someone to abdicate to a mind controlled character.
Right-click interaction menu on titles allowing you to:
- Take the title for yourself. All lower titles will become your vassals
- Add a strong claim to any county title or higher
- Change the succession law to Primogeniture
- Change the succession law to Gavelkind
- Change the succession law to Elective Gavelkind
- Change the succession law to Seniority
- Change the succession law to Ultimogeniture
- Change the succession law to Tanistry
- Change the succession law to Open
- Change the succession law to Elective
- Change the gender succession law to Agnatic
- Change the gender succession law to Agnatic-Cognatic
- Change the gender succession law to Absolute Cognatic
- Change the gender succession law to Enatic (Only women can inherit titles)
- Change the gender succession law to Enatic-Cognatic (Women inherit before men.)
Right-click interaction menu on holdings allowing you to:
- Delete Holdings
- Convert To Castle
- Convert To Temple
- Convert To City
- Fully Upgrade City
- Fully Upgrade Castle
- Fully Upgrade Temple
- Fully Upgrade Tribal
- Fully Upgrade Hospital
Decisions in the intrigue menu allowing you to:
- Add 10k Gold
- Add 10k Piety
- Add 10k Prestige
- Add 10k Techpoints of each type
- Add 5k Grace
- Add 5k Society Points
- Rank up in your society
- Triple your levy size
- Spawn 10k Troops
- Spawn 100k Troops
- Spawn 1k Ships
- Convert realm to your culture
- Convert realm to your religion
- Convert realm to your ethnicity (Unlike culture, changes the character portrait.)
- Convert all characters and provinces to your culture. (Except nomads)
- Convert all characters and provinces to your religion.
- Convert all characters to your ethnicity.
- Raise Religious Authority To Maximum
- Change to Feudalism
- Revoke all Titles from Vassals
- Kill All Courtiers
- Lower Threat Level
- Reveal all plots in your realm
- Enable/Disable Quick Move (Units move provinces in 1 day)
A trait menu in the intrigue menu allowing you to:
- Add/Remove Cheat Traits
- Add/Remove Virtue Traits
- Add/Remove Sin Traits
- Add/Remove Personality Traits
- Add/Remove Health & Congenital Traits
- Add/Remove Leadership Traits
- Add/Remove Lifestyle Traits
- Add/Remove Misc Traits
- Add/Remove Certain Traits on All Vassals
- Add/Remove Certain Traits on All Spouses & Dynasty Members
A character spawn menu in the intrigue menu allowing you to:
Create Children:
--- Create a Son (Age 0)
--- Create a Son (Age 6)
--- Create a Son (Age 16)
--- Create a Daughter (Age 0)
--- Create a Daughter (Age 6)
--- Create a Daughter (Age 16)
Create Siblings:
--- Create a Brother (Age 6)
--- Create a Brother (Age 16)
--- Create a Brother (Age 24)
--- Create a Brother (Age 30)
--- Create a Brother (Age 40)
--- Create a Sister (Age 6)
--- Create a Sister (Age 16)
--- Create a Sister (Age 24)
--- Create a Sister (Age 30)
--- Create a Sister (Age 40)
Create Courtiers:
--- Create a Marshal
--- Create a Steward
--- Create a Chancellor
--- Create a Priest
--- Create a Spymaster
--- Create a Loyal Vassal
--- Create a Debutante
--- Create a Commander
--- Create a Physician
영어가 어렵다면 비겁하게 파파고나 구글 번역기를 사용하면 쉽게 이해할 수 있다
스팀판의 경우에는 아래 링크를 구독하면 되고
Steam Workshop :: Sketchy Cheat Menu
비스팀판의 경우에는 아래 모드들을 다운로드 받은 뒤
C:\Users\유저명\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod
경로에 넣어주면 된다
이후 게임 실행 시
Mods에서 Sketchy Cheat Menu를 체크해 주면 적용이 잘 된다
'Game > Crusader Kings 2 : Mods' 카테고리의 다른 글
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